
Horus Development & Consulting specialises in Luxury & Sustainable Tourism Representation and provides marketing, distribution, promotion, public and stakeholder relation services in the Asia-Pacific region, from counselling on strategy and marketing plans for a new venture in Asia, to full representation. With a main office in Singapore, Horus Development & Consulting covers 14 of the main territories in Asia Pacific, including Australia, Greater China, India, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. Horus Development & Consulting is your key in unlocking Asia’s immense business opportunities, offering made-to-measure services in French, English and Mandarin.

Horus Development & Consulting is the proud representative office of the Monaco Government Tourist & Convention Authority in Asia, responsible for promoting – right across the board – the brand image and the tourist environment & offerings of the Principality, in Southeast Asia, in Greater China and in South Korea.

Horus Development & Consulting is also representing the city of Brisbane, New Caledonia Tourism, Rocco Forte Hotels Collection, and is a member of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

Key Expertise


robin square

Throughout the 10 years that I have known Benoit, he has been a shining example of a true professional in tourism business with in-depth knowledge of the industry. He is an amazing individual with a sharp mind, charming and persuasive personality, I have enjoyed working with him tremendously over the years. 

With deep understanding of the diverse Asian cultures and business frameworks, Horus Development & Consulting is an asset to anyone who engages them to expand their business and to navigate the complex landscape in the region.

Benoit is a true Gentleman!

Robin Yap

Chairman Emeritus (Retired), The Travel Corporation
Irene photo

If you are seeking an informative, professional and passionate team to work with, I wholeheartedly recommend Benoit and his team. Their expertise and commitment to delivering the core value of their brands are one of the best in the industry, as well as the most pleasant meetings you would have!

Irene Lee

General Manager - Virtuoso Asia
nigel square

I have known Benoit Badufle for more than 15 years... and I have always found Benoit the most professional of all those I deal with representing products & services for the Incentive market, and especially proactive in following up on leads and opportunities for his company... Frankly his character & charm together with intimate knowledge of his product & the Asia Pacific market, makes him a real asset to anyone seeking to build businesses in Asia

Nigel Gaunt

Ex-President of ICESAP/PCMA

Benoit is an inspiration, he brings something unique to every situation, adds a level of depth and meaning to everyday work situations. He is someone who values relationships and enhances them. Benoit and his team bring intelligence, both emotional and intellectual, together with his sharp wit is a winning combination. 

Alison Roberts-Brown

Managing Director, Tourism Garden


New Caledonia Tourism Appoints Horus Development & Consulting as their representation agency in Singapore

Horus Development & Consulting, specialists in luxury & sustainable tourism and in brand development, has been appointed as New Caledonia Tourism’s representation agency in Singapore, ...
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Horus Development & Consulting welcomes Choy TEH

Choy TEH is an experienced PR professional in the travel & hospitality industry Horus Development & Consulting, specialists in luxury tourism development, welcomes Choy Teh ...
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Horus Development & Consulting announces a key partnership with Discova

Horus Development & Consulting enters a key partnership with Discova, World’s leading Destination Management Company (DMC). Horus Development & Consulting will be leading the B2B ...
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